Why hello. So glad you found me. Welcome to
my own two feet, a photoblog of sorts about my (and hopefully your) two feet and all the places they go.
I remember when I was a child I went to all kinds of camps during the summer- church camp, choir camp, cheerleading camp, even a camp for other kids that had the same life insurrance as me. This was before the time of digital cameras for the common man, so we all brought either throw away cameras or the ones that a 12 year old could hardly load. We took terrible pictures of people we would never see again. Inevitably, my camera would temporarily get lost in the dining hall, the bath house, the gym, the cabin floor, or the pool.
When I finally got around to developing the film (you know, about a year later) there would be numerous photos of random feet in the dining hall, the bath house, the gym, on the cabin floor, and at the pool. What a favorite past time of campers and tourists alike!
Recently I was thinking about these photos and I thought it might be fun to intentionally capture images of my own feet (and all the places they go) and assemble these images on a blog for all to enjoy.
Hopefully you do not tire of looking at my feet as you peruse, comment, and submit your own photos!
If you would like to contribute, please send a photo (plus story or caption) to melissadgruver[at]gmail[dot]com. If you include your blog address, I will link to it as well. (Please put "feet photo" in the suject line.
about the blog title picture: the "my own two feet" blog title piture is me at the apartment i lived in during graduate school at baylor university. i am kicking around a play n freeze ice cream maker in my living room for july 4, 2008. my best friend, Stefi, was in town and her, along with my boyfriend, J.T. and I, cooked out in our desire for the all-american holiday experience.